Thursday, August 30, 2018

Source Use and Citation

  1.  From Analyzing Bess' work with his sources, what standards or rules does he seem to be following for citing his work? 
    1. When mentioning the source for the first time he must include: author first and last name, full title ,publisher and date published 
    2. When mentioning the source the second time he includes: author last name only, Main part of title and page number 
    3. In mentioning the source the third time on he includes: "ibid" then page number ( ibid= under the same source) meaning the source he used above or directly before
  2.  Bess' work provides is with an example of "Annotated" notes (Examples: 3,5,6,8,11,25) Based on these examples what do you understand annotated to mean?
    1. I think that bess was trying to give information that would support or provide details to  the argument but put it in the notes section because adding the annotated note to the narrative would take away  form the point of the claim and argument.
  3. Are there sources in the notes that are not mentioned directly and explicitly in the text itself? If,so what rule seems to apply?How might he be making that determination?
    1. Every note given has a connection to the text. When first mentioning a source he gives author full name,full title, publisher and publishing date. and instead of giving every page number under that one source, he must change to a new note every time the location  of his information in the source changes. Such as in changing page numbers but staying within the same source 
  4.  How did Bess credit his sources in the text to make it obvious when he is working with the words of other authors
    1. Bess uses quotes and he mentions his sources all the time and talks about them, their work/study and identifies his sources during the narrative.He mentions his sources in the text,in the notes and provides citations for them  
  5.  In the passage you read,Bess is working with many primary and secondary sources,but makes extensive use of one in particular. Given How extensively he is using the work of other historians or researchers what makes his argument original?
  6. In Choices Under Fire, historian Michael Bess discusses this experiment to support his claim 
    1. Using different sources allows him to give his own opinion using many different kinds of sources. The sources that he used spanned over decades but the initial claims and argument were presented throughout the entire book.

Semester II Final

PART A (1-8) Before doing any research I predict that the most highly ranked presidents would be George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and...