Monday, May 6, 2019



New England Fish Chowder Soup 
Image result for new england fish chowder
new england fish chowder
President Kennedy beleived that any meal could be made better with soup, he loved soup and his favorite was New England Fish Chowder

cold poached salmon
Image result for cold poached salmon
cold poached salmon
The First Lady was a petit woman and so many asked her what her diet was to maintain such a figure and she said her favorite & healthy appetizer was cold poach salmon 


Lamb entree with potatoes & string beans 
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Lamb chop with potatoes and beans
Lamb was served at 3 states dinners during the kennedy administration and appeared of 10 of their menus for events. The lamb with vegetables was a favorite and classic for the White House. 

corn muffins 
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corn muffins
The President loved corn muffins with his dinner and it was known to be one of his favorites


waffles with chocalate  
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waffles with chocolate 
John F. Kennedy liked dessert and he liked chocolate more than anything else, but also Jackie was secretly known to have a great waffle recipe that the president loved and so waffles with chocalte will be served to remember the two of them together. 
 strawberries Romanoff 
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Mrs. Kennedy loved french cuisine and he favorite dessert was strawberry romanoff 


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Jackie Kennedy drank one glass of champagne a day, almost always in the evening 

orange juice 
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Orange juice 

Orange juice will be served because JFK would usually prefer to drink orange juice with many meals 

there will be a cigerette for each guest to remember Jackie's surprising love smoking

after dinner there will be a performance by the national symphony orchestra of "Camelot" 

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