Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lincoln: the movie

1. Lincoln was uncompromising in the way of not taking no for an answer. In the cabinet scene when Lincoln looses his patience he states that he will do whatever it takes to end this war and to abolish slavery.  Thaddeus Stevens was uncompromising with his ideas in that he truly wanted absolute racial equality but to get that and to not lose the conservative vote he had to portray that as "equality before the law" for all. These 2 influential men were willing to compromise on the fact to abolish slavery and getting the votes by which method they did.What the 2 men were not able to compromise on was that rights of the slaves once released they maybe free but they don't have rights in the government side of things.

2. I think that the movie really does show the transformation of Lincoln feeling in the letters and how his viewpoint changed. He starts feeling very anti-slavery and believes that will bring the union together again If everyone would just try. Then he moves on to believe that he needs to end slavery to win the war and end the war and bring the union back. but Lincoln then loses his patience and says if he could end the war while ending slavery he would and he would do it if ending the war didn't mean the end to slavery but all bets were on winning the war and hopefully at the same time abolishing slavery.
3. The 13th amendment was so rushed and essential  to get passed not only to end the conflict between the north and south but also to know that there would be the destruction of slavery itself.  
4. The movie instead of being really straight forward about what side was which it took more of the political approach. like saying democrats and republican (which we would have assumed to be switched) and liberal versus conservative views.The movie also focused more on the work being done in Washington rather than the war ground itself.
5.The movie pushed the property rights arguments as a part of the resist on the ending of slavery, but there was just belief that ending it was morally wrong. As if slavery was destined to be the way it was and to stay in place forever. It wasn't a matter of if the slaves were your property but as if they were not worthy of freedom and that you were crazy to think anything other than pro-slavery thoughts 
Image result for lincoln movie
the poster for the 2012 movie, Lincoln

Thursday, September 20, 2018

USH Letters Research Activity

In Columbus on Monday June 10th 1861, Rutherford Hayes wrote a letter to his wife who at the time was at home while he was working in the Civil War at a base. In this letter he makes it known how much he values he work she's been doing at home and how much he loves her and when he plans on leaving the base and to visit home. he thanks her for allowing him to do what he's doing because he is  living and he knows how much sacrifice it was for his wife and their family. 

Sent from Cincinnati on June 13th 1861 Lucy Hayes writes her husband who she calls "Ruddy". In the very beginning she mentions that their love is still their no matter the stress and distance. She sympathizes with his feelings of the war and base life. She tells him that she finds comfort in helping the men but in that she is giving up her husband. She makes a joke that she didn't think she would be a soldiers wife and she mentions that it doesn't take much for her husband to brighten her heart. She says through a paragraph that she values their thoughts. gives home update she is longing to see her husband again.

Again from Cincinnati, on June 17th 1861 Lucy writes her husband, she is caring about his military information. In this letter again longing for her husband because she feels kind of empty and uncomfortable with out him there. in the end she is reminding him to love her and think of her and signs it "Lu" 

From Camp Chase, on June 20 1861 R. B. writes his wife and is filled with excitement to speak to her and is excited to return home for a visit. he speaks of maybe getting a new military position and in the end there was a bunch of base information and the signed R. 

Camp Chase June 22,1861 Rutherford is writing to his wife in the beginning of the letter he just gives camp information and fills his wife in on what has been happening at the war from his view we see he plans to end the letter but adds a P.S. and tells her he would be happy to have her at the base and hope fully living with him there and moving the family there at some point. and ends it by calling her Mrs. Hayes 

Last letter of the collection written from Cincinnati on July 1st 1861 and she opens the letter with Rutherford ( her husbands full first name) she explains how she has been worried sick about her husband and his health she says she has anxiety for him. Goes into his past and almost analyzes him and really believes that is in his best interest to come she is worried that she will confide in him too much while still away. and makes the family unit and the love they have her final point. 

Informative Sign

This collection of the letters written by Rutherford and Lucy Hayes, were written in the beginning of The Civil War and in all of the letters we see them balance the topic of base life and the home life of women and the changes their marriage could go through during this time. The challenges that their love faced and that they each faced on their different fronts. These challenges such as distance, war life, children, health concerns. one interesting thing we see in this collection of letters is the change and emotion in their language from their greeting so their signatures every word meant something. Their view of one another never changed and it is so powerful that the last thing mentioned in the collection of letters is their children. The ability that these two have to persevere,love unconditionally and full on create the canvas that will paint their presidential path. Do you think that you and you Significant other could whether the storms the Hayes' did? The civil war created a view of women in the home life do you think that some of those ideas and beliefs still exist today?


Monday, September 17, 2018

13th Amendment

- December 6th 1865 was the date that the 13th Amendment was ratified (Constitution Center)
- the 13th amendment bars a person from holding slaves or involving in involuntary servitude when most constitutional forms change the government not the people the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the seceded confederate states and partly the ones in the union (Constitution Center)

Friday, September 7, 2018


  1.  Before researching and finding on PBS in an article called The History of the American flag  I never knew that The Continental Congress established that the nation should have a flag on June 14th 1777. It is believed that the it was designed by a congressman from New Jersey and sewn by Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress.
  2. PBS also told me that from 1777-1960 acts have been formed that cover the change of the national flag. like the adding of stars/stripes for the new states.
  3. PBS and the US flag.org told me that The flag today has: 13 stripes alternating in red and white representing the 13 original colonies,  the stars represent the 50 states in the union, which are places in a blue background in the top left corner. The colors have representation too, red=hardiness and valor, white=purity and innocence and blue=vigilance,perserverence and justice. 
  4.  I never knew that all of American culture could relate to the American flag 
    1. The flag is a symbol of one nation that we as Americans stand under one sole name. The flag represents how proud we are of this nation and what we stand for each day. The flag represents our military which we are endlessly proud of and can't contain what joy it brings for us to be defended by such great men and women each day. 
    2. The flag's most known name is "Old Glory" names also include "stars and stripes" and "the star spangled banner"
    3. American music has taken the flag as an idea for many songs since Yankee Doodle but one that is like no other is Ragged old Flag by Johnny Cash
  5. The idea of honoring the flag is overall very understood I believe. The flag is displayed outside go homes and on prized possessions. The flag is put at half mast when the country is in mourning and there are rules and guidelines for how to handle a flag.  we have these rules and guidelines so that we know as a nation that as Americans we honor,respect and defend the flag and defend our country.
  6. I think people understand that the flag is a sacred thing so that people use it in protest to defy the government and the union is opposition to their beliefs.
Image result for flag on house

To display the honor and respect for the flag and the union many people hang a flag outside their homes 

PBS, the history of the American flag: here I found the names for the flag, the meaning and origin of the flag
the Boot: here I found information on the Johnny cash song "Ragged old Flag"
"Old Glory": here I found more detailed information on the nicknames and meaning of the flag

Thursday, September 6, 2018

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

Merriam Webster's definition of Annotation is: a note added by way of comment or explanation  
  • Ex. The bibliography was provided with helpful annotations
I found that on Owl/Perdue writing lab that the use of the annotated bibliography or citation is to summarize,   it may asses or evaluate the source and some may reflect on the source's possible uses for your assignment or work. 

Merriam Webster's: this is where I found the definition of annotating and it provided the true and simple meaning so that I could apply it to more than just a bibliography.

Owl/Perdue writing lab: this source provided the use of annotating and the importance of annotating a citation and/or  bibliography 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Introduction to Text

    1. The 13 Colonies are in the end Chapter 2 and all of Chapter 3 
      1. pages 70-104
    2. The Heading = The British Atlantic World 
      1. all chapter 3
    3. the main idea is that the colonies are the basis for the entire country to become. These places will and things will be critical in forming the U.S.
    4. I learned about 
      1. the racial composition on the colonies 
      2. value of exports in each colony 
      3. form of government
        1. royal 
        2. proprietary 
        3. corporate
    5. N/A
    6. TEXT BOOK
    7.  See below 
    8. The purpose of todays work was to be able to not only find a topic in the text but to analyze the meaning of why our topic is mentioned and how it is applied to our lives today and relating the information learned from the book to what we already know and also learning how to credit a reliable source. and connecting visuals in the actual text to visuals we see what online.
    Image result for 13 colony type of colony
    This is a chart describing the reason behind the creation of some of the colonies where they were established and what their form of government was and hoe their economy was run

    Semester II Final

    PART A (1-8) Before doing any research I predict that the most highly ranked presidents would be George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and...