Thursday, September 20, 2018

USH Letters Research Activity

In Columbus on Monday June 10th 1861, Rutherford Hayes wrote a letter to his wife who at the time was at home while he was working in the Civil War at a base. In this letter he makes it known how much he values he work she's been doing at home and how much he loves her and when he plans on leaving the base and to visit home. he thanks her for allowing him to do what he's doing because he is  living and he knows how much sacrifice it was for his wife and their family. 

Sent from Cincinnati on June 13th 1861 Lucy Hayes writes her husband who she calls "Ruddy". In the very beginning she mentions that their love is still their no matter the stress and distance. She sympathizes with his feelings of the war and base life. She tells him that she finds comfort in helping the men but in that she is giving up her husband. She makes a joke that she didn't think she would be a soldiers wife and she mentions that it doesn't take much for her husband to brighten her heart. She says through a paragraph that she values their thoughts. gives home update she is longing to see her husband again.

Again from Cincinnati, on June 17th 1861 Lucy writes her husband, she is caring about his military information. In this letter again longing for her husband because she feels kind of empty and uncomfortable with out him there. in the end she is reminding him to love her and think of her and signs it "Lu" 

From Camp Chase, on June 20 1861 R. B. writes his wife and is filled with excitement to speak to her and is excited to return home for a visit. he speaks of maybe getting a new military position and in the end there was a bunch of base information and the signed R. 

Camp Chase June 22,1861 Rutherford is writing to his wife in the beginning of the letter he just gives camp information and fills his wife in on what has been happening at the war from his view we see he plans to end the letter but adds a P.S. and tells her he would be happy to have her at the base and hope fully living with him there and moving the family there at some point. and ends it by calling her Mrs. Hayes 

Last letter of the collection written from Cincinnati on July 1st 1861 and she opens the letter with Rutherford ( her husbands full first name) she explains how she has been worried sick about her husband and his health she says she has anxiety for him. Goes into his past and almost analyzes him and really believes that is in his best interest to come she is worried that she will confide in him too much while still away. and makes the family unit and the love they have her final point. 

Informative Sign

This collection of the letters written by Rutherford and Lucy Hayes, were written in the beginning of The Civil War and in all of the letters we see them balance the topic of base life and the home life of women and the changes their marriage could go through during this time. The challenges that their love faced and that they each faced on their different fronts. These challenges such as distance, war life, children, health concerns. one interesting thing we see in this collection of letters is the change and emotion in their language from their greeting so their signatures every word meant something. Their view of one another never changed and it is so powerful that the last thing mentioned in the collection of letters is their children. The ability that these two have to persevere,love unconditionally and full on create the canvas that will paint their presidential path. Do you think that you and you Significant other could whether the storms the Hayes' did? The civil war created a view of women in the home life do you think that some of those ideas and beliefs still exist today?


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