Thursday, October 18, 2018

Paraphrase Practice: Lincoln Movie Review

Paraphrasing Practice

'This is, in other words, less a biopic than a political thriller, a civics lesson that is energetically staged and alive with moral energy. Lincoln, having just won re-election, faces a complex predicament. The war has turned in the Union’s favor, but the Capitol is in some turmoil. Lincoln must contend with a Democratic opposition that reviles him as a dictator (“Abraham Africanus,” they call him) and also with a deep, factional split within the Republican Party.'

My Paraphrase of this selected passage:

 Abraham Lincoln's presidency had recently been renewed yet he was confronted with a serious problem even though the union or north now had the upper hand in the war. In spite of that fact in Washington D.C. things were unsettled and there was conflict. The president had to handle the forceful Democrats who were accusing him of being a leader who had taken absolute power and calling him "Abraham Africanus". Lincoln had another problem to deal with,a profound split in  his own party, the Republicans. The film depicts this captivating cycle of political struggle and power during this era. Centering around politics like this makes the film less focused on Lincolns biography teaches what governing was like. 


  1. Not that much longer than original, also doesn't go into much detail with each sentence. However there were no words used from the orginial passage. Good work Rainey.....................

    1. Agree with Clay in that it is original, but a little short and boring. Seems a little similar in format even though the sentences are rearranged. The actually sentences are very sentence.

  2. A little short, and although it does not contain words from the original, it does have very similar words and wordings in places.


Semester II Final

PART A (1-8) Before doing any research I predict that the most highly ranked presidents would be George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and...