Thursday, January 10, 2019

2.2 - SuccessFactors



Hard Work 


When thinking about economic success and what it takes to make it there these words above. I put opportunity at the top because when starting out from the beginning or at a low point you have to have an idea or breakthrough to power your launch into work. This idea or breakthrough is your opportunity, the opportunity to make something of yourself or project. Without the opportunity to start something or make revisions, you will get nowhere. Next, I put skill because once you get the opportunity it takes work to make and to do that correctly you need skill. Skill is the knowledge of knowing how and what to so regarding a specific thing. If your team or you are filled with skill then you're expected to achieve great things. But with skill, you must be humble. following that is Hard work because yes skill is needed but you have to be willing to put in the time and effort to achieve this level of success. some people are recognized not because of their skill or being the best but for being the hardest worker and putting in extra and pushing forward constantly. Lastly is luck, honestly, I have terrible luck and great economic lucky events don't happen all that often. and when they do the person isn't smart with their money or whatever and lose it fast. And maybe there is that one in a million chance it works out but the likelihood of that happening and become stable and valuable is slim to none

Shonda Rimes Quote

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