Thursday, March 7, 2019


1.  Philanthropy = goodwill to other people // effort or acts done out of a humanitarian process
activities include - donating profits, and giving time and fundraising for a cause
philanthropy is longer than charity and philanthropy focuses on building the cause not just a short term, charitiy also goes along with a "rescue" approach where philanthropy is planned and has a strategy
Merriam Webster - Philanthropy

2. After selling his steel company he became a philanthropist. He gave away over 350 million dollars. He wrote "The Gospel of Wealth" , the core of his work were on education and world peace. He wanted to create free/ public libraries for everyone. He would later spend over 56 million building 2,509 libraries. He also founded many trusts and isitutions to further his phanthropic work. He said that the morals of the wealthy told them to give away there fortunes.
Columbia Univ. - Philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie 

3. Rockefeller started his work in philanthropy while still owning his oil company while Carnegie did it after he sold his steel company. Rockefeller had a religious tie to his charity work and Carngeie's was more devoted to education and writing. JDR founded the University of Chicago. JDR gave about 540 milllion dollars  to charitable/philantrhopic organizations and work.
Rockefeller philanthropy  advisors
Philanthropy round table - John Rockefeller Sr.

4. created the iLEAD - which has partnerships with 12 univeristies and districts
  1. Chesterfield County Public Schools and the University of Virginia
  2. Denver Public Schools and the University of Denver
  3. Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation and the Indiana University, Bloomington
  4. Fairfax County Public Schools and George Mason University
  5. Florence School District #1 and the University of South Carolina
  6. High Tech High’s Graduate School of Education and the High Tech High Network
  7. New York Districts and Fordham University
  8. Oxford School District and the University of Mississippi
  9. Portland Public Schools and Portland State University
  10. Prince George’s County Public Schools and the University of Maryland
  11. UPrep High School and Pittsburgh Public Schools and the University of Pittsburgh
  12. Avondale School District and Arizona State University

they have also made connections with many different organizations such as 
      1.  Getting Better California
      2. Getting Better Tennessee 
      3. Pacific Regional Educational laboratory 

5. Philanthropists of today
FORBES - Americas top 50 givers 

 The Gates philanthropy is different. this is because they give to their own charity. The charity funds many different projects and doesn't have a sole help center for their aid. Bill gates gave 4.6 billion dollars to his charity to fund his "mosuito wars" project. the charity is the largest private charity in the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has helped millions of people all around the world.
FORBES - Philanthropy King 

6.  I would help with children and families living in poverty in 3rd world countries, I would also want to help international adoption.

philanthropy epic foundation app - PHILANTHROPY

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