Monday, May 6, 2019


NY times
NY times
First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy's notes and packing list for the 1963 Texas trip, this list shows the famous pink Chanel suit that she was seen wearing the day of the assassination.
United States Flag that covered President Kennedy's Casket
JFK Library
This is the flag that was put over the President's casket at the hospital in Dallas, it remained on it until the time of burial. The flag was folded and given to the superintendent of Arilington Cemetary who then handed it to Mrs. Kennedy with the words "Mrs. Kennedy, this flag is presented to you in the name of a most mournful nation... please accept it" 
Image result for jackie kennedy's emmy award
JFK Library
In 1962 the First Lady received an emmy award for her televised tour of the white house that was produced by CBS in Febraury of that year. 
Kennedy Family whitehouse
A Kennedy Family Photo at the White house, taken on November 13th 1963. This was 11 days before the assasination 
Related image
John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame
Photograph of Jacqueline Kennedy & Robert Kennedy walking away from the decending casket with the flag after lighting the eternal flame on the grave.
Image result for Jackie and kids at funeral
Jackie, Robert, Caroline, and John Jr. waiting before beginning  in the procession
Jackie, Robert, Caroline and John Jr. at funeral with John Jr. saluting the casket that holds there loved one, John F. Kennedy
The classic red dress worn by Jackie
The famous and classic red dress worn by Mrs. Kennedy in her televised tour of The White House on Valentines Day in 1962 
Image result for JFK ring
The JFK ring
The JFK ring is the ring that John F. Kennedy proposed to Jaqueline with in summer of 1953, it includes 2.84 carat emrald paired with a 2.88 carat diamond with an open placement. This created a trend among young women across the nation for emrald&diamond rings.

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