Monday, May 20, 2019

Semester II Final

PART A (1-8)

  1. Before doing any research I predict that the most highly ranked presidents would be George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR  and the worst would be Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Herbert Hoover.
  2. The Presidents that have stayed consistently in the top four are, Abraham Lincoln (1), George Washington (2&3), Franklin D. Roosevelt (2&3) and Theodore Roosevelt (4). The two presidents that have traded spots in the 4th and 5th place are Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  3. After reading the chart I realized that the presidents at the bottom of the graph, meaning to be the worst are not recent presidents but even some from the beginning of the country. Another trend I noticed in the graph is that five out of the top six presidents all had a war during their term and had an influence on that war. One thing I noticed that I thought was really interesting was that the most recent presidents, Obama, Bush and H. W. Bush were all lower on the spectrum than some from decades ago. maybe we saw their small victories, as citizens under their administration but compared to the men of the past, they did not make so much of an impact.
  4. The participants are almost all students at univerities or colleges. I think C-SPAN decided to tell you this information because without it, you'd question the knowledge of the participants and the survey would be more of a popularity contest for the presidents. You know that C-SPAN put time into their participants and wanted to know that there data would be real. If C-SPAN had not inclded this I would question the credit of the data and I wouldn't really believe it if everyone was allowed to participate. Besides students, the participants ranged from lawyers to historians and journalists or authors, all people who know about the history of the nations government. The students also were not from community colleges but, Ivy leagues and other highly respected universities. There was also women and men present in the survey.
  5. The survey set up catagories based on qualities that were the same catagories for each president the ten catagories are pictured below.
    C-SPAN survey on Presidents
    Each of the qualities were contructed by three highly knowledgable advisors and analysed by a professional.
  6.  From observation it seems that each catagory above uses the same scale, but if you were to look at the data based on each quality the top few president tend to shift. After reading the Methodology page from the C-SPAN survey I learned that all of the characteristics were scaled by a 1-10 sprectum, 1 equalling not impactful and 10 equalling very impactful. The final outcomes of the survey were an average of all the information given to the data for each president. For the final score for the president each of the ten characteristics were given the same weight.  ( Methodology - CSPAN)
  7. If I were conducting the survey and I chose to make some of the catagories weigh more than others my top three would be: Administrative skills because nothing would ever get done if there was no knowledge and control on how or when to approach things in the best way. I would also choose performance within context of times, I would do this due to the fact of surprises, the world is full of unexpected things and to not only be able to handle the captial during the time of change or trials in the world or country but to also handle the citizens of the nation you are running, makes for an incredibly leader. Lastly  I would choose international relations, for me  these remain very important, whether it is trade or war or just to have another nation on your side and to have common ground puts the country as whole in a better spot. International relations are a big part of where a nation sits in the world. You do not become a hegemon or global power without aid from another state or from ruining connections with a destructive one. having a leader that beleives in mainting the reptutation and stand in the world must beleive in true and powerful international relations. 
  8. My predictions made me feel proud that I actually knew something, my predictions for the top three were correct and I think I thought of men who truly helped build the nation  for the better in a time of need  and whose impact has continued on.  But my predictions for the bottom three were completly wrong, I honestly do not know much about the men at the bottom I doubt I could even tell you they were a president.

    PART B (9-10)

  9. "On March 16 we celebrate the anniversary of James Madison's birthday. Madison, traditionally viewed as the Father of the United States Constitution, is also seen by many as a defender of open government. He once wrote, "[a] popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. In a similar vein, he asserted that "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge" is "the only Guardian of true liberty." (Celebrating James Madison and the Freedom of Information Act - Department of Justice office -                                                                                                                The celebration of the birthday of James Madison is on March sixteenth, he was not only a contributer for the constitution but would fight to have a true, honest government for the United States. Madison wrote that a well known and vast form of leadership that does not have the well known and vast materials or know how to get and use them is the begining of their downfall and or their death. He continues to say that learning or amount that one knows will always control their ability of beleiving and learning more, he steps further to say that ones that want to be their own controller must protect and guard themselves by their amount or weight their mind has or posses. Madison puts forward that the gain or progress made mixed with the thoughts are the one guide or counselor of real freedom.
  10. " . . . [K]nowledge of our own history is essential in the making of Americans. The reasons for this belief may be summed up under four main heads. History makes loyal citizens because memories of common experiences and common aspirations are essential ingredients in patriotism. History makes intelligent voters because sound decisions about present problems must be based on knowledge of the past. History makes good neighbors because it teaches tolerance of individual differences and appreciation of varied abilities and interests. History makes stable, well-rounded individuals because it gives them a start toward understanding the pattern of society and toward enjoying the artistic and intellectual productions of the past. It gives long views, a perspective, a measure of what is permanent in a nation’s life. " (American Historical Association -                                                                                    The two statements given by Madison and the AHA are are both reflections of the past but also hopes for the future. Madison's points were about how the knowledge of a person controls their ability of not knowing basic or fundamental facts. Madison says that the point in the previous sentence is what will be the beginning to their story of failure and destruction. In connecting with the historical figure the AHA's point is that citizens that are participating in society should definintly know about the history or the country so they know what to do if their generation faces time such as those of the past. They think that to be a honest and true american voter and contributer of society that you must know of past experiences and reflect on those times and what it took to reform or change their fate.  though Madison is more speaking on an individual view there is a clear connection between the two statements.   To continue on with the two pieces we must look at the second part of them. Madison ends his statement by saying that those people that want to be their own commander and want to lead must have the knowledge and the power it produces, he makes a reference to more the nation at the end by saying that the one caretaker of honest or true freedom is knowledge. I think that stands still, and is an impactful statement for the country at any point in time. Finishing the AHA statement, it says that history gives and creates all of these lessons that we as citizens should realized and know. It talks about how history influences our enviornments or surroundings and our relations with other people but also ourselves. 

    PART C (11-15)

  11. This year has made me into a better researcher and presenter, I was challenged by the complexity of tasks in the beginning and read way too far into things. But I learned through reading and analyzing many different types of sources what was the academic and correct way of researching is. I realized that there are so many other sources out there to look at to help support your subject. I learned that you may find something fake or wrong. I learned to not be afraid of primary sources and that they are one of the vital building blocks for research and learning. As a student in the first semester I stuck to simple ideas and simple sources and really did not think outside of the box,this year has forced me to be a creative and innovative thinker and one where I was to trust myself with my research. I got to many dead ends, had many hand cramps from the handwritten notes and many days where I thought I would not be able to give my all. But what I have learned the most is that research depends on reliabilty, and honesty with yourself, the teacher and the sources themselves. 
  12. In the moment I really wanted to cry cause the movie project was something I fully wanted to deliver on and make really good. But at the finish I was so proud of the work I had done, specifically the exhibit, I did not want to break rules of real life so a lot of my ideas were shot down or reinovated. I presented so many different mediums I think that made it special. The details of the menu made me proud, instead of focusing on the time I focused on the Kennedy's themselves and their favorites, like the waffles,champagne, strawberry romanoff and cigerettes. I was also proud of the after entertainment of the symphnony I came up with having relations to the state dinners in the kennedy administration. I was proud of myself for delivering what I thought was tasteful and fabulous night for Jackie. Lastly I was proud of the effort I put into my sources, I read article after article read through wills, and journals and I wish I could have given more to the beautiful topic. 
  13. Ella Jane Duncan - (Remembering the Freedom Riders ) I am in awe of Ella Jane's work on this. I am so happy she used her artistic ability when doing this project and that she used such a great foundation for her piece. She puts the bus into her design as an obvious choice of memorializing the event but to commemorate the actual souls of the riders she puts their faces on the bus. She took the emotion to a new level and brought beauty and grace to an event that was filled with hatred.
  14. “It isn’t where you come from, it’s where you are going that counts” - Ella Fitzgerald ( This quote means so a great deal to me because growing up with divorced parents, I was always being told that even though my dad is crazy and my parents are divorced that I was from a broken place or home, I had accepted that and I hated myself for being so broken. I found this one day in that dark time and It was a wakeup call, I broke up with my crappy boyfriend, showered and acutally begain caring about my life again. I know that my story is complicated and that my genes arent the best but I have changed my fate and my story because I truly does not matter where you were born or your home but that you have made something of yourself to be successful and good- hearted to know youve made it.

  15. (NY TIMES)
    The “kiss heard round the world” represents the celebration and pride displayed after Japan’s surrender and basically the end of WWII in the United States. The amount of emotion in just Times Square of that day shows how much the population at home played in the war effort. Everyone in the nation were united and won together. The representation in the picture is that the nurse is like the home front that assisted in the US to help the men over seas but the sailor represents the men in the battle coming home to celebrate the home they won for.
The "I have a dream" speech was given by Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Thousands of people nationwide came to this event to here the words that would shake the nation and civil rights movement. In the picture above is that day, there are people all the way to the Washington Monument and beyond. Some were there for hate but others in support of what was morally right. The fight for racial equality has been going on for centuries and still continues today. While it may not seem like it at times there has been so much progress. This moment in the nation's capital there was a presence of a union and Dr. King spoke truth and shed some light to those longing for freedom. 

Ground Zero  - a place were 2 great tall towers once stood, what we called the world trade center. In 2001 heartbreak broke  out across the United States, it was due to the terrorist atttacks made on these two towers. On September 11th 2001 two flights were hijacked and crashed into the world trade center towers, killing thousands. The city of New York was ripped by this tragedy and the US suffered greatly, also on that day a 3rd plane was hijacked and crashed into the pentagon in DC. But here years later lies what we call ground 0, the memorial for the actions on 9/11/2001. The progress made by the government, military, city of New York and the heart of the nation is breath taking. People of the US will forever remember this day, and thanks to the government and people wanting to treasure their legacy, we all will forever remember those people who lost their lives or their loved ones. 


Monday, May 6, 2019

In-class write

The movie Jackie, produced in 2016 follows the events of Jacqueline Kennedy on the day of her husband’s assassination and the adjustment to life after that loss. In 1963 there was an article written on Mrs. Kennedy from Life magazine, this article was constructed and edited by Mrs. Kennedy and the journalist. From the movie as a viewer you see not only what the Kennedy assassination did to the first family but to the nation as a whole. The movie shows the impact of the Kennedy administration at the time and the legacy President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy left on the United States. Some of the most memorable times for this country happened during the Kennedy administration, at the time of the assassination The Cold War with Russia and Cuba was occuring along with the rise of the civil rights movement in the south. Both of these were being handled by President Kennedy at the time of his death. The effect of this loss on these national incidents is seen through President Johnson’s power and decision in just days after the tragedy of the JFK. Jacqueline knew what being the first lady meant and was honored to hold the job, even through these crisis. In the movie it shows that while making preparations for the funeral just two days after Kennedy’s  death that she can not get her opinion heard because of Johnson action on the Cuban missile crisis or protests below the mason dixon. The assassination, the cold war and civil rights movement all were happening at at the same time and the nation was struck with a heartbreak too big to bear. (JFK LIBRARY) (WHITE HOUSE)
The First Lady Shocked the nation with her tour of the White house that was televised on CBS on Valentine’s day after she worked so hard to restore all of the public rooms in the white house and create a legacy of american culture, art, and history throughout the place they were to  call home for the time of their administration. (JFK LIBRARY)(WHITE HOUSE)
The funeral of JFK  and the procession to the capital only had ever happened that large after Lincoln’s death. Jackie studied it and with Robert Kennedy they planned and memorial movement that would shock officials and civilians. After being told numerous times that it  may not be safe for her to make such a public and open ceremony Mrs. Kennedy with her children processed anyway out of justice and love. Jackie also received judgement for wanting to bury her two unborn children at the same site at Arlington. The fights and conflict that arose around the funeral were portrayed  exactly how they happened based upon Jackie Kennedy’s notes found later in life and she wasn’t going to let her husband’s legacy be buried with him in Arlington Cemetery. (JFK LIBRARY)

The movie is based upon Jackie Kennedy fight and struggles from the assassination of JFK to the life after the white house.But in my research outside of the film I found out so much more that tell more about who Jacqueline was as a woman and who the Kennedy’s were together. I learned that JFK served in the Vietnam war, lost his brother in it too. His brother wasn’t able to come home but for Jack, he came home a hero. Jackie is what pushed JFK to write his book in 1957, Profiles in Courage. That same year their daughter Caroline was born. The road to being the president wasn’t pictured in the movie, but for the Kennedy family it was a vital role in their story. Jackie accompanied her husband the presidential candidate all of the nation on the campaign trail in 1960. While on the campaign Mrs. Kennedy became pregnant with their second child, doctors advised her to return home for the remainder of the campaign trail.  While she was at home Jackie answered campaign mail, did TV commercials and interviews but also wrote a weekly news report. The level of support that she had for her husband is what helped her take the place as The First Lady. The movie like I said did not set up the kennedy administration and just assumed you knew what their relationship and journey looked like to get to the car in Dallas that day. In November of 1960 John F. Kennedy won the election and two weeks later his son was born, John F. Kennedy Jr. What I didn’t realize from the movie but I learned from my research is that Mrs. Kennedy believed that their family is what matters most but she believed that from the start not just after the loss of Jack. The Kennedy couple suffered many losses like children, before Caroline they had a miscarriage and stillbirth child but also  In August of 1963 the Kennedys lost their third child, Patrick Bouvier who was born premature and died two days later. The movie showed the two children, Caroline and John Jr. in the play room at first and that is where Jackie (natalie portman) tells them that “daddy is coming home” this very powerful scene is raw and so moving. And the setting of the play room was awkward but very fitting. Through research I learned that the play room was also what was the Kindergarten school that Jackie had created for Caroline and 12-15 other kids upon moving into the white house. I also think that the movie didn’t include the importance of the international relational President and Mrs. Kennedy made. In the movie it was mention that there would be many heads of states at the funeral, but missed their international connection to the many nations they visited and established relations with. The Kennedy’s took international engagements all through out their term and the movie showed flashbacks to state dinners with performances, it miss the opportunity to talk about their impact of the world. They were admired internationally too.  The movie showed that Jackie loved art and wanted the american history to be reflected in art throughout the white house. What I learned outside of the movie is that both Jackie and Jackie loved the arts, it was said that the Kennedy’s brought a young spirit to the estate in D.C. Jacqueline Kennedy influenced fashion across the globe, still today there are styles that reflect on the graceful First Lady. She was modern,but classic and regal all at once and forced movement for the whole fashion industry. The movie hinted at this towards the end of the movie when Jackie saw the store stylists putting outfits up inspired by her own collection for display to sell. Though the movie was about the first lady Jacqueline Kennedy it kind of dumbed her down and brought out more of a fiery attitude in her. The real Jackie was full of knowledge and worked before marrying the Senator and actually worked after the white house as an editor in manhattan until she died.Inside and out of the White house, she had an influence for her beloved country and family. (WHITE HOUSE) (JFK LIBRARY)

I would suggest that in the flashbacks that Jackie has throughout the movie also include flashbacks to her and Jack before the white house. I understand that the movie was about her coping and overcoming the assassination but I think there needs to be some memories given before the became the President and First Lady. Some ideas could be their wedding, or birth of Caroline or the campaign trail, election, birth of John Jr. but also the loss of their third child. Their time in the White house changed the view of the first family. I would include JFK more I would want him to be seen more because we see Jackie distraught over this loss of a man that was her husband but we don’t get to see him much period , but specifically as the role of her husband.

Annotated Sources

liJackie  ( 

America's History, 9th Edition, Chapter 27 "Uncivil Wars: Liberal Crisis and Conservatic Rebirth 1961-1972," Pages 846-847 - JFK assassination facts and historical context

The John F. Kennedy Library, "Life of Jacqueline B. Kennedy"  - Facts on Jackie Kennedy's life: from birth to, her parents divorce, and young life in New England to boarding school and college and then meeting JFK and their life with kids in the white house

The White House, "Jaqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy" - Jaqueline Kennedey's story before becoming the First Lady and her legacy

"For President Kennedy: An Epilogue" (, the Thedore H. White interview with Jackie Kennedy - the article written by White on Jackie for which the movie is based on

"Jackie Kennedy's Last White House Days and What She Found in JFK's Desk" - An article written around the time of the 50th anniversary of the JFK assasination

"A Jackie Kennedy Affair: Throw a Jackie Kennedy Party in Your Dorm"- Recipes and ideas for the party  

Invitation - page used for creating my invitation 

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, Donald Spoto, 2000 ( - book written in 2000 on Jacqueline Kennedy, Using spoto as my Historian 

Jacqueline Kennedy's Notes for Dallas are Found, Starting a Quiet Tug of War ( - Used in finding items for my exhibit about notes that Jackie took for her prep for their domestic tour of Texas

"A Nation Remembers" ( - artifacts that are now in the JFk library collection 



New England Fish Chowder Soup 
Image result for new england fish chowder
new england fish chowder
President Kennedy beleived that any meal could be made better with soup, he loved soup and his favorite was New England Fish Chowder

cold poached salmon
Image result for cold poached salmon
cold poached salmon
The First Lady was a petit woman and so many asked her what her diet was to maintain such a figure and she said her favorite & healthy appetizer was cold poach salmon 


Lamb entree with potatoes & string beans 
Image result for lamb entree with potatoes and string beans
Lamb chop with potatoes and beans
Lamb was served at 3 states dinners during the kennedy administration and appeared of 10 of their menus for events. The lamb with vegetables was a favorite and classic for the White House. 

corn muffins 
Related image
corn muffins
The President loved corn muffins with his dinner and it was known to be one of his favorites


waffles with chocalate  
Related image
waffles with chocolate 
John F. Kennedy liked dessert and he liked chocolate more than anything else, but also Jackie was secretly known to have a great waffle recipe that the president loved and so waffles with chocalte will be served to remember the two of them together. 
 strawberries Romanoff 
Related image

Mrs. Kennedy loved french cuisine and he favorite dessert was strawberry romanoff 


Image result for champagne
Jackie Kennedy drank one glass of champagne a day, almost always in the evening 

orange juice 
Image result for orange juice
Orange juice 

Orange juice will be served because JFK would usually prefer to drink orange juice with many meals 

there will be a cigerette for each guest to remember Jackie's surprising love smoking

after dinner there will be a performance by the national symphony orchestra of "Camelot" 


NY times
NY times
First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy's notes and packing list for the 1963 Texas trip, this list shows the famous pink Chanel suit that she was seen wearing the day of the assassination.
United States Flag that covered President Kennedy's Casket
JFK Library
This is the flag that was put over the President's casket at the hospital in Dallas, it remained on it until the time of burial. The flag was folded and given to the superintendent of Arilington Cemetary who then handed it to Mrs. Kennedy with the words "Mrs. Kennedy, this flag is presented to you in the name of a most mournful nation... please accept it" 
Image result for jackie kennedy's emmy award
JFK Library
In 1962 the First Lady received an emmy award for her televised tour of the white house that was produced by CBS in Febraury of that year. 
Kennedy Family whitehouse
A Kennedy Family Photo at the White house, taken on November 13th 1963. This was 11 days before the assasination 
Related image
John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame
Photograph of Jacqueline Kennedy & Robert Kennedy walking away from the decending casket with the flag after lighting the eternal flame on the grave.
Image result for Jackie and kids at funeral
Jackie, Robert, Caroline, and John Jr. waiting before beginning  in the procession
Jackie, Robert, Caroline and John Jr. at funeral with John Jr. saluting the casket that holds there loved one, John F. Kennedy
The classic red dress worn by Jackie
The famous and classic red dress worn by Mrs. Kennedy in her televised tour of The White House on Valentines Day in 1962 
Image result for JFK ring
The JFK ring
The JFK ring is the ring that John F. Kennedy proposed to Jaqueline with in summer of 1953, it includes 2.84 carat emrald paired with a 2.88 carat diamond with an open placement. This created a trend among young women across the nation for emrald&diamond rings.


Invitation (
Guest List

1.  Jaqueline Kennedy : She is invited because without her this whole event and the JFK presidency wouldn't have happened. 

2. Natalie Portman: The actress who played Mrs. Kennedy in the movie Jackie. she will provide a great perspective on how to become Mrs. Kennedy and the trauma she underwent.

3. Robert Kennedy :  Also known as Bobby. He is JFK's brother and was attorney general during the Kennedy administration. Robert and Jackie worked hand in hand after the loss of the President and truly depended on one another to move on.

4. Pablo Larrain : The director of the movie Jackie. He will give a great  point of view of how they capatured the life of the white house and the  rawness of the actual assassination.

5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy : The President himself, whose life was ended sadly on November 22, 1963. Without the President and his death there would have been no rise for Jackie after 1963 or even her success for the nation or the white house. 

6. Noah Oppenheim :  The writer of the movie. He wrote the movie and the language and sequence of the events. He would provide an amazing amount of information for how to view and record the life of Jackie Kennedy based upon real footage 

7. Theodor H. White :  The journalist who interviewed Mrs. Kennedy from LIFE magazine. The article shook the nation. I think having the real journalist that actually conducted the interview would really add to the discussion and conversation of the late First Lady of the United States. 

8. Donald Spoto  :  Author of the book Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onasssis written in 2000. The book was written about the loved and graceful first lady that was struck in 1963 by the assassination of her husband and president JFK. To write the book Spoto must have a incredible knowledge on the life of Mrs. Kennedy and so I think as a historian he will provide a great view for the event.

Monday, April 15, 2019

2.10 Thinking Like a Historian

When mobilizing the homefront during World War II the government reached the population in various different ways encouraging different efforts. To reach out to everyone they put out  government advertisements some of these include newspapers and posters, the government also recorded oral testimonies of their time working in the nationwide war effort.  

Image result for home front effort
Advertisement encoraging victory gardens 
source #1 : US government advertisement for the Minneapolis Star Journal (1943)
source #2 : copy from War Advertising Council/U.S Treasury Department adverstisement (1943)
source #3 : poster from the U.S. Office of Price Administration (1943)
source #4 : girl scouts planting a victory garden near San Fransico during the war (1943)
source #5 :  oral histories about life at home during the war 

Semester II Final

PART A (1-8) Before doing any research I predict that the most highly ranked presidents would be George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and...