Monday, May 6, 2019


Invitation (
Guest List

1.  Jaqueline Kennedy : She is invited because without her this whole event and the JFK presidency wouldn't have happened. 

2. Natalie Portman: The actress who played Mrs. Kennedy in the movie Jackie. she will provide a great perspective on how to become Mrs. Kennedy and the trauma she underwent.

3. Robert Kennedy :  Also known as Bobby. He is JFK's brother and was attorney general during the Kennedy administration. Robert and Jackie worked hand in hand after the loss of the President and truly depended on one another to move on.

4. Pablo Larrain : The director of the movie Jackie. He will give a great  point of view of how they capatured the life of the white house and the  rawness of the actual assassination.

5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy : The President himself, whose life was ended sadly on November 22, 1963. Without the President and his death there would have been no rise for Jackie after 1963 or even her success for the nation or the white house. 

6. Noah Oppenheim :  The writer of the movie. He wrote the movie and the language and sequence of the events. He would provide an amazing amount of information for how to view and record the life of Jackie Kennedy based upon real footage 

7. Theodor H. White :  The journalist who interviewed Mrs. Kennedy from LIFE magazine. The article shook the nation. I think having the real journalist that actually conducted the interview would really add to the discussion and conversation of the late First Lady of the United States. 

8. Donald Spoto  :  Author of the book Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onasssis written in 2000. The book was written about the loved and graceful first lady that was struck in 1963 by the assassination of her husband and president JFK. To write the book Spoto must have a incredible knowledge on the life of Mrs. Kennedy and so I think as a historian he will provide a great view for the event.

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